Low Gillerthwaite News and Views

September 2008

Low Gillerthwaite Field Centre can be seen hiding on the edge of the trees directly below High Crag

'One man went to mow' a window in the weather gave us a chance to cut the hay / wild flower meadow. It is important to cut, dry and remove the hay this allows the seeds to germinate without rotting in the long grass.

With rain forecast we made haystacks of the flower rich areas of meadow, these are the areas of Yellow Rattle, This is a parasitical plant that attaches to grasses and weakens then thus letting the wild flowers get through. We were worried that the Yellow Rattle would take over the meadow so we got in touch with Cumbria Wildlife Trust and one of their ecologists came to have a look and to give some management advice. We have been assured that as the grass goes back so will the Yellow Rattle leaving room for more wild flowers to come through.